Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 3

After contacting fairpoint, and being redirected and transfered and hung up on (this happens all the time), I was able to reach a person in their commercial business department. 6 people would put me in a "small business" category. For$ 50.99 a month, I can have 7 Mbps download and 768 Kbps upload capabilities. Or for $59.99 I can have 15 Mbps download and 1Mbps upload. This of course comes with a two year contract, but also with a free modem, 9 email accounts, free anti virus software and 3 GB of online backup storage.

Week 2 continued

I think Google is doing well for a number of reasons. They were one of the first search engines (today is their 13th birthday)so they have brand recognition that has been around for some time. Also, they proved to be superior to other services (yahoo, or ask jeeves, etc) so with brand recognition, people have come to expect quality. Lastly, they have managed to stay current in an ever changing world (wide web) by investing/ buying other compainies and expanding their services (gmail, Google maps, Google powered android apps, etc).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 2 Assignment

Googles revenues increased 24% from 2009 to 2010, and are on track to increase this year as well. Forcasted revenues for the year areup  between 18-21%.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Cant quite figure out how to enable comments, as requested. Hmm.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


My name is Jen. I am enrolled full time in the business admin transfer program at Middlesex. I work full time as a quality process analyst for a power distribution company, and I have two little boys Gabe, 2 and Odin, 8 months, they are so cute and funny...I love being a mom more than anything else in the world.  I am from Wilmington, MA originally, but my husband Jude and I bought our first home in Salem, NH last year. It has been a dream come true but a lot of work, but a lot of fun too! When Im not working or doing school work or chasing after the kiddos I enjoy reading, hanging out with friends, cooking, watching movies, camping and playing with my two dogs, Happy and Archie. I took a marketing class last semester and absolutely loved it, so I am optimistic that I will really enjoy e-commerce marketing as well :)